Optimize quotes with Remote Sales: Better quotes for enhanced sales

Optimize quotes with Remote Sales: Better quotes for enhanced sales

# Back to blog Optimize quotes with Remote Sales: Better quotes for enhanced sales Optimize technical proposal processes with remote collaboration solutions. We call it Remote Sales or Remote Proposal Management. With the remote guidance solution POINTR you can...
Protocol defines absolute data security, whether you see it or not

Protocol defines absolute data security, whether you see it or not

# Back to blog Protocol defines absolute data security, whether you see it or not Smooth real-time transmission of video stream is a standard requirement for remote collaboration solutions. Why fulfilling this feature is not sufficient, and why absolute data security...
REMOTE COMMISSIONING – Reliable and Timely

REMOTE COMMISSIONING – Reliable and Timely

# Back to blog REMOTE COMMISSIONING – Reliable and Timely The way to a digital future in international machinery and factory engineering Machinery and factory building are two essential pillars of Germany’s export economy. They are an integral part of the revenue...
Customer Showcase: Ford Motor Company

Customer Showcase: Ford Motor Company

# Back to blog Customer Showcase: Ford Motor Company Ford Motor Company South-America has started deploying POINTR as the tool for their remote diagnostics smart rooms. The roll-out first starts in the Brazil and is planned to be expanded to the whole...